Meeting with Prof. Robert Hauser

It is our honor to have Prof. Robert Hauser, the Vilas Research Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA to give us a presentation on the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS), which is one of the well-known longitudinal studies in the world.  Professor Hauser has been an investigator on the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) since 1969 and directs the Center for Demography of Health and Aging.  In the presentation, he briefly introduced the history of the WLS and the scope of the studies in different waves.  The WLS starts in 1957 with a random sample of 10,317 men and women who graduated from high school in 1957 in Wisconsin.  Data collected include survey data from multiple respondents (such as parents, high school friends, siblings and etc), administrative record data, and biomarkers.  Currently, he focus on the study on aging, health and retirement.  For details of the WLS, please visit the following websites:

我們很榮幸能邀請了世界著名社會學者 Robert Hauser 教授,美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校社會學教授,為我們介紹了威斯康星縱向研究(WLS),WLS是其中一個世界著名的縱向研究。Prof. Hauser自1969年以來一直是WLS 的主要研究者,同時他是健康和老齡人口研究中心的主任。在本次分享會中,他簡要地介紹了WLS的歷史和不同時期的研究範圍。WLS始於1957年,最初的樣本是10317名美國威斯康星高中畢業生。收集的數據包括多名受訪查(如父母、朋友、兄弟等)的數據、行政記錄數據、生物標誌。目前,他專注於老齡化、健康和退休的研究。WLS的詳情,請查看以下網址

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