HK Panel Study of Social Dynamics: The Pilot Survey




我們很樂意為大家解答任何有關香港社會動態追蹤調查的疑問及識別訪問員身份的查詢,歡迎致電 2358 5875。欲知更多香港社會動態追蹤調查的詳情,請瀏覽以下網址:


CASER is happy to announce that our pilot survey of HKPSSD (Hong Kong Panel Study of Social Dynamics), the first ever household panel in Hong Kong, has just been completed. In this connection, we would like to thank all the households who kindly gave us their information and completed the questionnaires in the pilot survey. Before re-contacting them during the second wave of the panel study in a couple of years, we will be in touch with them again later and let them know more about the results of this research study in the new year.

After the pilot study, CASER will launch the main survey of HKPSSD in January 2011. We are hoping to collect information from 3,500 households with 10,000 individuals in Hong Kong. Our interviewers, carrying identification documents issued by HKUST, will visit their homes and conduct face-to-face interviews with them. We would very much appreciate the support and cooperation of all selected households and individuals.

We are more than happy to answer all your enquiries concerning HKPSSD and the identity of our interviewers via our hotline at 2358 5875. For more information about HKPSSD, please visit:

We wish you all a more prosperous year!

IAS Distinguished Lecture Series: “The Economy, Public Polices and Poverty in the US: Implications for Hong Kong” by Prof. Sheldon Danziger

It was our honor to have Professor Sheldon Danziger to give us a public lecture on “The Economy, Public Polices and Poverty in the US: Implications for Hong Kong” in our third lecture of the IAS Distinguished Lecture Series on Inequality and Poverty held on 16 December 2010 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Prof. Danziger is the Henry J. Meyer Distinguished University Professor of Public Policy and the Director of National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan.

The abstract of Prof. Danziger’s lecture is as follows:

The poverty rate in the US today is about the same as it was in the late 1960s and is much higher than in many European countries because the 21st century economy does not deliver the benefits of prosperity and productivity to all workers. For most of the last 35 years, the gains from economic growth have not “trickled down” to the poor, and government policies have not done enough to help less-educated workers and their children escape from poverty.

The “Great Recession,” which began in the US in December 2007, has both raised poverty and made reducing poverty in the future more difficult. I show that American attitudes toward labor market policies and toward social welfare policies and tolerance of large inequalities differ from those in most European countries and help explain why US poverty and inequality are higher than in many European countries.

I conclude that US antipoverty policies have the potential to reduce poverty and promote opportunities in today’s globalized economies, and thus are relevant to Hong Kong. For example, US experiences influenced the very successful “war on child poverty” that was launched in the United Kingdom by Prime Minister Tony Blair in the late 1990’s. Policies like the ones implemented in the UK that focus on two issues deserve consideration by policymakers interested in reducing poverty—(1) making work pay for workers adversely affected by today’s globalized economy and (2) promoting educational opportunities for low income children to reduce the intergenerational transmission of poverty.

我們很榮幸邀請到Prof. Sheldon Danziger蒞臨香港科技大學為我們主講第三次不平等和貧困系列的IAS傑出學人講座,講題為「美國的經濟、公共政策和貧窮:給香港的啟示」。Prof. Danziger是美國密西根大學公共政策的傑出教授,同時是國家扶貧中心的主任。

Prof. Danziger演講之內容摘要,請參閱上述所提供的英文版本。

Symposium on “Youth and Social Change”

In the past 30 years, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China all experienced great economic and social transition. After rapid economic development, the Chinese societies experienced the gradual transformation of economic structure, the rapid popularization of elementary education and the expansion of tertiary education. These structural changes have had far-reaching impacts on the social mobility opportunities. At the same time, the development of globalization and the internet brought the young generation who were born and grew up in 1980s with unique experience on access to information, mode of information exchange and formation of values that are different from other generations. Over the past couple of years, the post-80s generation, being a “unique” group, has been frequently under the spot light of media and public discussion in the three societies. However, there is a lack of detailed data collection and rigorous empirical research on this age group in social science studies. For this purpose, Center for Applied Social and Economic Research, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Central Policy Unit, the HKSAR Government jointly organized the "Youth and Social Change" symposium, inviting senior social science scholars from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China with the focus on social conditions and difficulties faced by the contemporary young generation, to publicize relevant research results and discuss the possibilities of future cooperation in comparative studies.

Topics and speakers presented in the symposium are as follows:

Post-80s Generation in China
Professor LI Chun-ling
Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Silent Revolution: Social Diversity of Higher Education in Mainland China and Hong Kong
Professor James LEE
Dean of Humanities and Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hong Kong’s Post-80s Generation: Profiles and Predicaments
Professor WU Xiao-gang
Division of Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Single Child in China: “Little Emperors” or New Citizens?
Professor FENG Xiao-tian
Department of Sociology, Nanjing University

The Growth Trajectory of Taiwanese Youth: Family and School Context
Professor YI Chin-chun
Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica

The Source of Youth Discontent: Upward Mobility or Seeking Post-materialist Values?
Professor Stephen CHIU
Director, The Public Policy Research Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Understanding our Young Generation
Professor Paul YIP Siu-fai, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong

For more information about this symposium, please go to:

過去三十年香港、台灣和中國大陸均經歷了巨大的經濟與社會變遷。繼經濟騰飛之後,兩岸三地的華人社會經歷了產業結構的逐步轉型、基礎教育的迅速普及和高等教育的不斷擴張。這些結構性的變化對社會流動機會的影響尤為深遠。同時,在全球化和互聯網的發展下,使得1980年代出生和成長起來的年輕一代,在信息的獲取,交流模式的選擇和價值觀的形成方面,都具有與其他世代不同而獨特的經歷。 “80後”作為一個“獨特”的群體,經常出現在兩岸三地的媒體上和公眾討論中。然而,社會科學對這個年齡群體的詳實的數據蒐集和嚴格的實証研究還相當缺乏。為此,香港科技大學應用社會經濟研究中心和香港特區政府中央政策組共同舉辦“青年與社會變遷”專題研討會,邀請兩岸三地的資深社會學者就當代年輕人的狀況和面臨的困境,發表相關研究成果,並探討未來進行比較研究的可能性。









如欲獲得更多有關資訊 , 請瀏覽以下網址:

Train-the-Trainer Program for the CAPI System

The train-the-trainer program for the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing System was held on Oct 29 and 30, 2010 at the HKUST. Fourteen colleagues attended the training program.  The speakers Dr. Yan SUN and Dr. Hua Ding from Institute of Social Science Survey, Peking University introduced the mechanism of the CAPI operation and shared their experienced in conducting the Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS), including research design of the panel study, operation definition for some essential concepts, interviewers training, quality control, and etc.

電腦輔助訪問系統(CAPI) 培訓師培訓計劃於2010年10月29至30日於香港科技大學舉行,為期1.5天。總共有14位同事參與此次培訓,來自北京大學中國社會科學調查中心的孫妍博士和丁華博士為我們詳細講解了CAPI的操作和原理,同時分享《中國家庭動態跟蹤調查》的寶貴經歷和心得,包括研究設計、訪問員的培訓和數據質量控制等等。

Prof. Donald J. Treiman: IAS Distinguished Lecture Series on Inequality and Poverty

On 29 October 2010, we were honored to have Prof. Donald J. Treiman giving us a public lecture on “The ‘Difference between Heaven and Earth’: Urban-rural Disparities in Health and Well-being in China” in IAS Distinguished Lecture Series on Inequality and Poverty. Prof. Treiman is one of the foremost scholars of cross-national comparative research in social stratification and social mobility and has been currently a Visiting Professor of the Division at Social Science, HKUST.

In the paper, using data from two national probability sample surveys in 1996 and 2008, Prof. Treiman described rural-urban disparities in health and well-being and examined whether, to what extent, and in what ways such inequalities have changed under the context of transition to a market economy in China. To be more specific, he identified three groups of adult individuals: (1) those with rural registration and rural residence at age 14, (2) those with rural registration and urban residence at age 14, and (3) those with urban registration at age 14 and contrasted various aspects of health and well-being between these three groups, such as years of schooling, number of words recognized, proportion of the labour force in agricultural and nonmanual jobs, height, access to amenities, perception of current living standard when compared with what it was 5 years ago, etc. His results showed that there has been “a rising tide lifts all boats”. That is, across-the-board improvement in almost all measured aspects of life in China has been observed, though the size of the rural-urban gap has remained relatively constant over the last few decades.

來自UCLA的著名社會學家Prof. Donald J. Treiman 在2010-2011上學期到科大社會科學部出任訪問教授 。在訪問期間,Prof. Treiman 除了主講Advanced Quantitative Analysis in Social Science 一門課外 ,他更在2010年10月29日出席科大高等研究院傑出學人講座 ,發表他其中一項中國研究的成果 。講座題目為 “個人健康與生活質素﹕中國城鄉之差別 ” 。

這項研究的目的在於探討過去幾十年間中國的迅速經濟發展是縮窄還是拉闊城鄉之間在個人健康和生活質素的不平等 。Prof. Treiman 比較了三個群體在個人健康和生活質素各方面的分別 。這三個群體包括﹕(1) 在14歲時住在農村中的農村户籍人士 ,(2) 在14歲時住在城市中的農村户籍人士 ,及 (3) 在14歲時住在城市中的城市户籍人士 。通過分析兩項全國性調查的數據 ,他發現了﹕在過去幾十年間 ,這三個群體在個人健康和生活質素各方面都得到改善 。但是 ,城鄉差距之程度維持不變 。

IAS Distinguished Lecture Series on Inequality and Poverty, 2010-2011

We are happy to announce that Institute for Advanced Study launches a Distinguished Lecture Series on Inequality and Poverty in Fall 2010 and Spring 2011. Scholars and experts on these topics are invited to give us a series of lectures. Details are as follows:

1. "IQ, Gender, and Mortality in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study"

Prof. Robert Hauser
Vilas Research Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Member of the US National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the US National Academy of Education, and the American Philosophical Society

August 3, 2010

2. "The 'Difference Between Heaven and Earth': Urbal-rual Disparities in Health and Well-being in China"

Prof. Donald Treiman
Visiting Professor, HKUST
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Emeritus, UCLA

October 29, 2010

3. "The Economy, Public Policies and Poverty in the US: Implications for Hong Kong"

Prof. Sheldon Danziger
Henry J. Meyer Distinguished University Professor, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

December 16, 2010

4. "Market Failure and the Spectacular Rise in Inequality"

Prof. David Grusky
Professor of Sociology, Stanford University
Director, Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University

February 17, 2011

5. "American Science on the Decline?"

Prof. Yu Xie
Otis Dudley Duncan Distinguished University Professor of Sociology and Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Research Professor in the Survey Research Center and the Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Member of the US National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Academia Sinica

March 7, 2011

6. "Trade and Poverty: When the Third World Fall Behind"

Prof. Jeffrey G. Williamson
Laird Bell Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Harvard University

March 21, 2011

7. "How to Become a Billionaire? Research on the New Rich in Central Europe, Russia and China"

Prof. Ivan Szelenyi
William Graham Sumner Professor of Sociology
Professor of Political Science, Yale University
Foundation Dean of Social Sciences, New York University, Abu Dhabi
Fellow, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

May 26, 2011

IAS Distinguished Lecture Series


Meeting with the Research Team of Taiwan Youth Project

We are delighted to have Prof. Chin-chun Yi, Dr. Wen-shan Yang, and Prof. Chyi-in Wu from the Institute of Sociology in Academia Sinica, Taiwan to visit CASER on October 14, 2010. During the visit, they gave us a presentation on “Introducing Taiwan Youth Project: 2000-2009”. Taiwan Youth Project (TYP) is a longitudinal study on Taiwan’s youth starting from the spring of 2000, with the first year and third year junior high students (aged 13 and 15 respectively) from Taipei County, Taipei City, and Yi-Lan County as the study population. In total, there were 5,586 student samples (in 162 classes of 40 schools). In addition to a sample of these students, their parents, teachers, and school principals also participated in the project by completing questionnaires and attending in-depth interviews.

In the presentation, apart from giving an introduction of TYP and its development over the past 10 years, Prof. Yi and her colleagues also generously shared with us their many valuable and insightful experiences on a wide range of issues from research design, questionnaire construction, collection of quantitative survey data and qualitative in-depth interview data, to empirical findings, and the like.

For details of the TYP, please visit the following website:




IAS Distinguished Lecture: IQ, Gender, and Mortality in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study


Prof. Robert Hauser, a renowned sociologist of University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA was invited to give a presentation on the study of IQ, Gender, and Mortality in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study on August 3, 2010 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This was the first IAS distinguished lecture on inequality and poverty.  Prof Hauser is Vilas Research Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and directors of the Center for Demography of Health and Aging. He has been an investigator on the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) since 1969. The abstract of the IAS distinguished lecture is shown as below:

Numerous studies find a positive relationship between cognitive ability, IQ as measured in childhood or youth, and subsequent survival. Explanations range from the idea that low ability is an indicator of adverse systemic events in early life to the idea that high cognitive functioning is required continuously to maintain health and reduce threats to survival. The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) has followed a large cohort of Wisconsin high school seniors from ages 18 to 69. As expected, in the WLS survival varies positively with adolescent IQ.

However, rank in high school class -- a cumulative measure of successful work throughout secondary schooling -- accounts completely for the relationship between IQ and survival, and it has a much larger effect on survival than does IQ. These findings suggest that cognitive functioning improves survival by promoting behaviours that boost health status, minimize exposure to known risks and optimize returns to health producing inputs, and that such behaviours are firmly in place by late adolescence. These findings may also have broader implications for the emphasis placed on test scores as key measures of educational outcomes.

香港科技大學很榮幸邀請了威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校著名的社會學家Prof. Robert Hauser於2010年8月3日到本校來演講。這是IAS傑出講座─不平等和貧困系列中的第一個講座。演題是「威斯康星縱向研究(WLS):智商,性別和死亡率」Prof. Hauser是威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校社會學教授、健康和老齡人口研究中心主任。自1969年以來,他一直是WLS 的主要研究者。演講內容摘要如下:


然而,中學成績排名 - 整個中學讀書成功與否的累積指標,能完全解釋智商與生存之間的關係,而且比起智商,它對生存有更大的影響。這些發現表明認知能力改善生命、促進健康生活、和減少風險,這種能力和行為早在青春期後期之前就已形成了。這研究對教育政策有很大的啟發,考試分數也是其中一個教育成果的指標。

Meeting with Prof. Robert Hauser

It is our honor to have Prof. Robert Hauser, the Vilas Research Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA to give us a presentation on the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS), which is one of the well-known longitudinal studies in the world.  Professor Hauser has been an investigator on the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) since 1969 and directs the Center for Demography of Health and Aging.  In the presentation, he briefly introduced the history of the WLS and the scope of the studies in different waves.  The WLS starts in 1957 with a random sample of 10,317 men and women who graduated from high school in 1957 in Wisconsin.  Data collected include survey data from multiple respondents (such as parents, high school friends, siblings and etc), administrative record data, and biomarkers.  Currently, he focus on the study on aging, health and retirement.  For details of the WLS, please visit the following websites:

我們很榮幸能邀請了世界著名社會學者 Robert Hauser 教授,美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校社會學教授,為我們介紹了威斯康星縱向研究(WLS),WLS是其中一個世界著名的縱向研究。Prof. Hauser自1969年以來一直是WLS 的主要研究者,同時他是健康和老齡人口研究中心的主任。在本次分享會中,他簡要地介紹了WLS的歷史和不同時期的研究範圍。WLS始於1957年,最初的樣本是10317名美國威斯康星高中畢業生。收集的數據包括多名受訪查(如父母、朋友、兄弟等)的數據、行政記錄數據、生物標誌。目前,他專注於老齡化、健康和退休的研究。WLS的詳情,請查看以下網址

Panel Study Sharing

Ms. Gina-Qian Cheung, Director of Survey Technologies, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, U.S.A, gave us a presentation on using survey technology on panel study on July 22, 2010 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Ms. Cheung introduced the usage of the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) system and Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system in supporting the data collection, data processing and analysis, and statistical analysis. Particularly, the CAPI system has two key components for sample management: Blaise and SurveyTrack. Also, the system collects paradata (data that describe the interviewees’ behavior and their surroundings) and integrates the paradata for sample management and reporting. Paradata will provide tremendous data for the development of social science research methodology.

美國密歇根大學調查研究中心調查科技主管Gina-Qian Cheung女士於2010年7月22日在香港科技大學講述了調查科技在社會科學調查中的應用。電腦輔助訪問系統 (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing, (CAPI) system)和電腦輔助電話訪問系統(Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system)可應用於數據收集和分析。CAPI 系統包括Blaise and SurveyTrack,CAPI系統更能收集訪問環境數據,例如受訪者的居住環境和訪問時的行為、態度等資料,這些資料將可促進社會科學調查研究方法的發展。


The 2010 Spring meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) was held at the University of Haifa (Israel) from May 9-11, 2010.
Four papers from CASER were presented in the conference:
  • YE, Hua  "Earnings Returns to Tertiary Education and Gender Earnings Gap in Urban China, 1988-2005"
  • YE, Hua  & Xiaogang WU  "Fertility Decline and Educational Gender Inequality in China"
  • Xiaogang Wu & Xi Song "Ethnic Stratification in China's Labor Markets: Evidence from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2005"
  • Zheng Bingdao "Does Urban Hukou Pay off? Social Stratification in Urban Residents of China, 2003"

Ye Hua has won Aage Sorensen Memorial award (USD 500) from RC28. This is the third time an HKUST postgraduate student received such an honor. Previous winners include Maocan Guo (PhD student in sociology at Harvard University), Miss Xu Pianpian.

For more information, see

2010 PAA Annual Meeting

The 2010 Population Association of America Annual Meeting will be held April 15-17 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas, Texas. Three papers from CASER have been accepted for presentation in regular sessions.

Session 72:

Migrant Workers and Children's Wellbeing in Developing Countries
"Population Migration and Children's School Enrollments in China, 1990-2005
  • Xiaogang Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
  • Zhuoni Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
For detial, please click here.

Session 81:
Immigrant Integration
"Social Changes, Cohort Quality, and Labor Market Assimilation: Chinese Immigrants in Hong Kong, 1991-2006 "
  • Zhuoni Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and
  • Xiaogang Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
For detail, please click here.

Session 167:
Gender in Developing Countries

"Gender Inequality in Employment: China's Urban Labor Markets in Transition, 1982-2005"
  • Xiaogang Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
  • Xi Song, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
For detail, please click here.

Seminar: Gender Inequality in Employment in China

Gender Inequality in Employment: China's Urban Labor Markets in Transition, 1982-2005
Mphil student in social science division, HKUST
This paper examines the trend in gender inequality in employment in urban China since the economic reform. Based on the analyses of the micro-sample data from the 1982, 1990 and 2000 population censuses and the 2005 mini-census, we found that:
(1) employment rate in urban China has declined dramatically in the 1990s, against the trend of rapid economic growth in the same period;
(2) the drop is particularly severe for women increase in women's education in China, although women's education has increased dramatically at the same time, and eductaion is supposed to promote employment.
(3) while there is no significant difference in the determination in employment between men and women in the 1980s, factors such as marriage, childbearing and old parents have become barriers for women's employment in the 1990s.
We conclude that the fundamental changes in urban labor markets have reshaped the gender roles and gender stratification in contemporary China that have been long influenced by socialist gender egalitarianism.
April 12th.
3:00pm - 4:30pm Rm 3362
(Lifts 13-15)

for more detail about CASER, please click here

Flash News on Second Consultation Meeting


The Second Consultation Meeting was held on March 5 2010 from 9:30 am to 5pm at the main conference room of the Central Policy Unit, HKSAR Government. The purposes were to seek input and advice from government bureaus and local communities before we finalize the questionnaires, and to brainstorm the sampling design and fieldwork operation. Participants included Professor Yu Xie from Department of Sociology,  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Prof. Junsen ZHANG from Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Prof. Raymond WONG from Division of Social Science, HKUST; Prof. Tony TAM from Department of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mr. Yi JunJian from Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Dr. Billy LI from Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR Government; Miss Trista LIM from Labor and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR Government; Miss Christine CHOW from Family Council, HKSAR Government; Miss Patricia WOO, Miss Josephine TSE, Miss Florence FONG, and Mr. Richard WONG from Central Policy Unit, HKSAR Government. We reviewed all items of the questionnaire and discussed the sampling method, sample size and timeline for the HKPSSD.  A pilot study will be needed to validate the questionnaire and test the survey administrative procedures.  

第二次香港社會動態咨詢會議於2010年3月5日早上9時30分至下午5時於香港政府中央政策組的主會議室舉行。這次會議的目的是聽取政府部門和本地社區機構對問卷調查的意見,並討論抽樣設計和田野調查的要點。參與者包括密芝根大學社會學系謝宇教授、香港中文大學經濟系張俊森教授、香港科技大學社會科學院黃善國教授、香港中文大學社會學系譚康榮教授、香港中文大學經濟系博士生易君健先生、統計署高級統計師李若谷博士、勞工福利局林美儀小姐、民政事務署 Miss Christine Chow,以及中央政策組的同事。我們討論了問卷、抽樣設計、樣本大小、和時間表。另外,我們需要試點研究以測驗問卷的效度和檢視調查的程序。

Second Consultation Meeting

We will hold a Second Consultation Meeting on March 5 2010 at the main conference room of the Central Policy Unit, Central. The purposes of this meeting are to seek input and advice from government bureaus and local communities before we finalize the questionnaires, and to brainstorm the sampling design and fieldwork operation of the first even household panel survey in Hong Kong. Several team members, including Professor Yu Xie, a world-renowned social scientist from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, will participate in the meeting and discussion.

Prof. WU on ISR Survey Research Center Seminar

Prof. Wu Xiaogang paid a visit to the Institute for Social Research at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor from Jan 31 to Feb 3, 2010. He spoke at the ISR Survey Research Center Seminar Feb. 2 on “Social Inequality in China’s Higher Education Expansion.”

1st. Pages From ISR-NewsNotes_Feb2010

Central Policy Unit Talk on Jan. 23, 2010

Prof. Wu Xiaogang was invited by the Central Policy Unit of HKSAR to give a talk to its part-time members on Jan 23, 2010. His talk, “Social inequality and Mobility in Hong Kong” was based on the household survey of 4013 adults conducted by HKUST Survey Research Center in 2007.